Life, Stories

California Love

I’m back! This post is about two weeks overdue, but, well, life happens. This week, “life” entailed dealing with the flu.

I have never had the flu before, and don’t get me wrong – it was miserable. Luckily, though, God’s got my back. I ended up getting sick last Thursday night, which, although it made for a not-so-fun weekend, worked perfectly with my Tuesday-Thursday class schedule – but that’s not all! I woke up Tuesday morning still not quite feeling 100% and wanting nothing more than to sleep in, and THREE out of my FOUR classes happened to be cancelled. Won’t He do it! Terrible experience, absolutely perfect timing.

Anyway, last Sunday, I returned from my first trip to California!!! Guys – Maj and I have always replied with “California’s too expensive” when someone asks whether we would want to live there. We still believe that statement, but boy is it beautiful!

I arrived at the airport to my favorite sight – my man. First, he drove me to his apartment to show it off. (I learned later he had just vacuumed. That’s my man. 😉 ) His living arrangement is pretty sweet. He has an apartment all to himself, with the training facility he works out at on the roof of the apartment building. Talk about the life! Here’s a look out of his living room window.


Amazing, right?! Apparently, I was lucky, for I just missed the torrential rain they had been experiencing in the area in the days prior. I guess I bring the sunshine. 🙂

After the grand tour, we drove over to his agent’s office to meet the crew. I already wrote a Facebook post gushing about his agency, but I cannot say enough how GRATEFUL I am for them! Everyone Maj is working with is so friendly and welcoming. They call it a family, and it really is, which is probably the thing Maj and I both love most about it. This was actually my first time meeting his agent in person, but I had talked to him so much (and asked him sooooo many questions) already that I felt like I had known him for a while.

From there, Maj and I went back to the apartment to get ready for date night. Justin (his agent) had given us all these great ideas for things to do – a Ferris wheel, a comedy club, an outdoor shopping experience – but you all will learn pretty quickly that we are a bit boring. 🙂 We did the classic dinner and a movie, dressed in our T-shirts and tennis shoes, which is pretty much a typical Friday night for us wherever we are. (We actually had to change restaurants from the one we originally picked, because when we walked up to it, we decided right away that is was “too fancy” for us.)

The next day, Samajé took me to the beach where he and his fellow trainees sometimes go to work out on “Field Trip Fridays.” I had not realized until that day that in the five and a half years we have been together, we’d never been to a beach together before! That can probably be attributed to the fact that he is not the type of person to just sit down and “relax,” which led us to our next adventure.

I pointed out a jetty made of giant rocks and asked what was over there. His response, per the usual when I ask that question, was, “I don’t know; let’s find out.” We spotted a man at the end of the jetty and decided we would start heading that direction. Now, in retrospect, this was not the best idea. I was wearing flip-flops; he was in his slip-ons. But we never turn down a little adventure. After about 30 minutes, we finally made it to the end, and after taking a few pictures, we made our way back.

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When we got back to the beach, we walked along the shoreline. I was picking up shells like any good tourist would do; Samajé was picking up broken glass so no one would step on it. He’s a saint. When we had gotten our fill of the beach, we went for ice cream and cupcakes (my choice of course – I am a sweets FANATIC) and headed back to the apartment for nap time.

To finish off the trip, we went to Justin’s house for dinner, where I met his wife and two kids. I immediately saw yet another reason why this was the agent for Maj. We love family time. Besides our families back home, we have two families we have become a part of in Norman, and now he has a home in California as well. Once again – we are so blessed!

Unfortunately, this concluded the trip, as Maj had to fly out to Dallas the next day to compete in the All-Star Football Challenge (which, if you missed my Facebook post, he won). Although the trip lasted less than 48 hours, it was everything I could have ever asked for! I love every minute I get to spend with my best friend, and this trip was no exception.

Valentine’s Day is coming up next week, and that means I get to go back next weekend! I am so excited for trip number two. Look out for my next post when I get back!

<3 Meg

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  1. Robin Kennedy says:

    LOVE ❤️

  2. You explain it so well with every detail that it makes the reader feel like we were there 👍👍👍

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