Life, Stories

Best Proposal Ever

What an incredible weekend! If you haven’t already seen the video or one of my multiple social media posts – I’M ENGAGED!!!

I’m going to be honest with you all – and I don’t think he would mind me saying this, because it’s the truth – I was not expecting anything like this AT ALL, because Maj is not usually Mr. Romance, nor does he like being the center of attention or making a big deal out of anything. :p Lo and behold, though, he managed to pull off the most creative, romantic proposal I have ever seen!

There is a video of the whole thing, which I am over the moon about. I am ecstatic that I will be able to look back on that special day forever! Here’s the proof of how magical it was:

The rest of the story goes a little something like this…

The morning of the big day, Maj and I went to work out at his training facility. Afterwards, I asked him what we were doing that day, to which he replied, “I made us dinner reservations for our Valentine’s dinner at 7:30, and there’s this magic show thing upstairs that sounds kind of cool… I guess we’ll go to that.”

I was asked multiple times this weekend if I was suspecting a proposal. Here’s the thing: I wasn’t necessarily expecting it, but I was sure hoping it would happen. After all, it has been five and a half years. 🙂 That being said, I assumed if it was going to happen it would be at our dinner. I even picked out a special outfit, just in case. So, when he asked me what I was going to wear to the magic show, I looked down at the pajama pants and T-shirt I was wearing with no makeup and my hair a mess. I said “I don’t know, probably something not too far from this,” because that’s usually how I roll. Luckily, he was at least somewhat looking out for me. He told me everyone else was going to be dressed a little nicer than that, so I ended up putting on my makeup and throwing my “a little nicer than that” outfit on. In retrospect, I really wish he would’ve made me do my hair and told me to wear something other than my shirt with the giant picture of a tiger on it, but hey, at least I did my face. 🙂

We got upstairs to the show a little later than we were supposed to be, which was, of course, my fault. We were greeted by Justin, Samajé’s agent, who led Maj off to “take pictures” with Daniel, the magician. Justin then returned to talk to me (read: distract me). The room was full of Maj’s fellow trainees and other agency friends. Of course, the only table left for Samajé and I was the one front and center, with just two chairs. Even with all of the suspicious activity, I was still clueless as to what was about to happen.

After a several minutes (much longer than it takes to just “take pictures” – I should have known), Maj came back, and the magic show began. I was in awe watching Daniel’s tricks, as were all the other people in the room. He kept calling on people to partake in the tricks, and the only thing that was going through my mind was “Please don’t pick me.” When he asked if there were any couples in the room, that turned to “Oh no.” As you all can probably guess, we were the lucky couple.

First, Daniel took us through a couple of tricks to test our connection. It was pretty crazy! He had us close our eyes while we held hands. When he touched Samajé’s arm, I also felt something on my arm. When he touched my nose, Samajé felt something on his. At this point, I was starting to get somewhat suspicious, as I could see out of the corner of my eye that everyone had their phones out. I started to get a little nervous. Still though, I really did not think this would have been the setting in which it would happen – surrounded by people, with all eyes on us. I was trying not to get my hopes up, but when Daniel asked me to write on a card what Samajé means to me, I was shaking.

He had Samajé write on his card as well, and we folded up the cards and put them in our mouths, as instructed. When we took them out, somehow (I really still have no idea how!!!) Maj ended up with my card, and when I took mine out I discovered I had his. Daniel had me read it aloud. This is what it said:


The tears immediately started flowing. I was in shock. He was down on one knee right in front of me, ring in hand. I almost forgot to say yes. 🙂 Of course, I did, and we were congratulated by everyone in the room. I only actually knew a handful of people there, but I am so grateful for everyone who shared this moment with us. They were all there to support us and make the proposal special – and boy was it!

We spent the rest of the weekend enjoying each other’s company, trying out some new restaurants and basking in the excitement of our engagement. As of right now, we have not set a date for the wedding, and probably will not until we figure out where we are headed and how his schedule will pan out. Until then, we will be waiting to find out where this adventure is going to take us – which happens in just over two months! I am so excited to see what’s ahead for my FIANCÉ and I. 😉

<3 Meg

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  1. Aww. Congrats to yall and may u have a lifetime of happiness#

  2. You deserve all the glory and I am so proud of him😉💕

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