- Last week was a bit out of the ordinary – although, while I thought school would get us into a routine, every week has been out of the ordinary these days. I guess I need to adjust my expectations!
- Maj went hunting last weekend while I started painting the ceiling in our living room/kitchen. If you want to put yourself in a bad mood, try painting three coats on 700 square feet of ceiling by yourself. Not the best idea I have ever had. It’s taken over a week, but we are so close to being finished! And once we are, I can show y’all the cabinet transformation. 😊 (P.S. – If anyone has any tips on how to reach over cabinets to get to ceiling corners it’d be greatly appreciated. We’re having a bit of trouble finding a way to get a ladder positioned to where we can reach above our corner cabinet.)
- Last Monday, I started my new job!!! Let me tell y’all, this job came straight from the Lord himself. As you all can probably imagine, it’s difficult to find work when we are moving all over the place. But my mom called me one day a few weeks ago and told me one of her clients owns a bookkeeping service and needed extra assistance. The job is a work-from-home position, which means I can take it from Oklahoma to Virginia to wherever else we may go. AND, if you don’t know, bookkeeping is accounting, and accounting is exactly what I am studying right now (and what I will be studying for the next couple of years). How perfect is that?! I was so excited to get started!
- Just before we left Virginia for the offseason, the players had to go through what is called an exit physical. Since Maj was unable to complete the final game, he did not pass. So, last Tuesday, he made a day trip up to Ashburn. I dropped him off at the airport at 6:00 am, went to class while he took Lyft rides all around the city to get his physical completed, and picked him up at 11:00 pm. Needless to say, it was a long day for both of us. Gotta do what you gotta do!
- Last Wednesday we started going to a small group our pastor set up and I am pumped about it! For those of you who don’t know Maj, he’s not much for social interaction, and it can be difficult at times to find people he’s comfortable being around. This group is great, though, and I am so glad we are a part of it. Small groups are SO important!!
- This weekend, my dad and step mom and Maj’s parents came to visit. They were a huge help with our house projects and we had so much fun hanging out. The only downside was that I tried to clean the whole house in one day on Friday – probably not doing that again. 😉
- Sunday was Super Sunday at our church! Samajé and a few other great athletes spoke about their faith and what their relationship with God means to them. It is the third time he has participated in it, and every time I become more proud of him (if that’s possible). That kind of stuff is way out of his comfort zone, but he is so great at it!
- Sunday night we hosted our very first little party as a married couple with some of our favorite people. We absolutely love hosting! (Well, I do. Maj just loves hanging out – I’m not sure you could really say he “hosted.” 😉) It gives me a chance to make whatever food I want, and that is exactly what I did. We had homemade bread, beer cheese dip, taco pizza rolls, pigs in a blanket, fruits and veggies, cheese and crackers, pretzel bites, cupcakes, cinnamon rolls… Add to that the wings Maj’s parents brought and it was quite the party! Everyone was stuffed by the end of the night. It was great. Considering I spent last year’s Super Bowl alone with the flu while Samajé was a thousand miles away, I can confidently say this one was amazing.
- Yesterday I submitted my application for graduate school! I still have to take my GMAT exam in April after the wedding, but other than that my acceptance to the program is now in God’s hands. Prayers are appreciated!!
- I am planning on posting another recipe this week! Keep an eye out if you love cinnamon rolls (and, really, who doesn’t?). It is one of my favorite recipes and also one of the most fun to make!

Great blog. Love your stories with Family and God having such an impact on your lives. I’m glad yall are back in Norman for the off season. Hope to run into you guys some time