- Another week, another ailment. Going from the chilly Virginia weather to the way-too-hot Texas weather did not do me any favors. This week, I’m getting over another little cold. Fingers crossed this is the last one for the season! I will be upping my vitamin C intake for sure.
- My Texas trip was awesome, minus the outcome of the game. It was pretty brutal to watch. The worst part, though, was Maj’s concussion scare. Luckily he was a-okay!
- Since it was so close to home, a handful of my family members finally got to come to a game. I went with my cousins, dad, and step mom. It was so much fun! I only wish they lived closer to D.C. Sigh…
- Dallas was the first and last away game I will be attending this season. People always ask whether or not I go to a lot of the away games, and the short answer is no. Between traveling alone, not really getting to see Samajé, and paying for flights, hotels, tickets, and pet care, it is not really worth it to either of us. Usually, I would rather be waiting for him with a clean house and fresh cookies when he gets back.
- AT&T Stadium was definitely a good pick to be my only away-game destination for the season. The place is so nice! Compared to FedEx Field (the Redskins’ stadium), the concessions are better, the facilities are nicer, and the top of the stadium can be open or closed, depending on the weather – all expected, as the Cowboys’ stadium is much newer. The major downside is that the tickets are incredibly expensive. If I’m having to pay for tickets, I would choose the Redskins’ stadium any day. 😉
- On Friday, I drove up to Oklahoma with my mom, my little brother, and his friend to see our house and one of my best friends. It’s crazy to think that in the five months we’ve owned the house, we have only gotten to live in it for about three weeks. It is being well-cared for, but we miss it! The Oklahoma trip was short and sweet; we only stayed a few hours before we headed back to Dallas. Only about a month until we get to really make it ours!
- The next day, my Dallas family and I had some Christmas fun. (I LOVE CHRISTMAS!) We went to Grapevine, also known as the Christmas Capital of Texas, for the afternoon and finished the night at a Christmas lights boat parade. The four kids we dragged along got a little out of hand at times, but the day was filled with so much love.
- Our apartment is in full Christmas mode. (Have I mentioned I love Christmas?) All the decorations are up, the presents are wrapped, the Christmas cards are ordered and the cookies are flowing. It’s the most wonderful time of the year!
- With me being gone for almost a week, the refrigerator was nearly empty for the first time in about four months when I got back. I finally felt well enough today to go grocery shopping, which is one of my favorite hobbies. Maj had the day off, but he refused to go with me. Is hate for grocery stores a guy thing? Or am I just weird for loving them?
- Samajé and I went to see Wonder last night. I think I cried four times. Definitely one of my top five favorite movies of all time.

I love your heart Meg. Thanks for sharing it with me.