Life, Tuesday Ten

Tuesday Ten: 12-12-17

  1. Unfortunately, I did not get around to posting my recipe last week. My cold turned into a sinus infection, which Maj then also picked up. It was a bit of a long week, but we are finally on the up & up. I plan on making up for the missed recipe this week, which means double cookies!
  2. I discovered last week that Bear cannot be trusted. The little guy is small enough to fit through the fences at our apartment complex, which usually wasn’t a problem… Until he ran all the way out to the street and scared me half to death. Now he has to wear this little neck pillow-type device I found every time he goes outside. Luckily, he doesn’t mind it too much (regardless of his face in this picture), and I think it’s adorable.
  3. Moose and Bear experienced their first snow day on Saturday! Samajé was already in Los Angeles for their game against the Chargers, so sadly, he missed it. It was so beautiful!
  4. As the snow piled up throughout the day (it snowed consistently all day), the dogs got more and more excited. They already seem to act crazier in cold weather, but the snow took it to another level. Once they figured out what it was, they went nuts! It all ended in a big mess. Bear somehow got little snowballs matted in his fur. I thought it was hilarious until I realized they weren’t coming out, and I ended up having to give him a bath – my second least favorite dog chore.

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  5. I was able to use the snow day this weekend to get some planning done for our “big wedding” in March. The more I get done, the more excited I get!
  6. Maj having a game on the opposite coast means a long weekend without him. Instead of leaving on Saturday, as they do for most games, the team leaves on Friday. Not my favorite. (I did manage to convince him to wear his Christmas sweater on the plane, though. Isn’t is the cutest?!) Thankfully this was the last long trip of the season!

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  7. The game on Sunday was not pretty. With so many key players injured, the Redskins are having a tough season. Obviously, we lost. On the bright side, I got to watch it with some great friends, so that made the loss a little easier to handle. 😊
  8. I finally have almost all of our Christmas gifts either wrapped or ordered! I realized yesterday that we officially have less than two weeks left until the best day of the year. Time is flying!
  9. Speaking of time flying, there are only THREE games left in the season. Crazy! I feel like we just got to Virginia yesterday, but I am so ready to be back in Oklahoma and get back to school.
  10. I spent all day yesterday making about 20 dozen cookies for a project I will share with you all next week. It was a mess, but I do love me some baking!

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1 Comment

  1. Curtis A. Reinhardt says:

    Just wanted you to know your Uncle Curtis looks forward to reading this every week! Thanks from your biggest fan!

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